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        如今,咱們在許多房地產(chǎn)展銷(xiāo)會(huì )上都可以看到樓群與室內戶(hù)型結構的,這些建筑沙盤(pán)模型使咱們可以微觀(guān)地觀(guān)摩宏觀(guān)的物體,起著(zhù)不可或缺的效果。那么,建筑沙盤(pán)模型的效果有哪些?小編為您解答:HMa中國模型網(wǎng)

        Nowadays, we can see the building sand table models of buildings and indoor units in many real estate fairs. These building sand table models enable us to observe the macro objects in a micro way and play an indispensable role. Then, what are the effects of building sand table models? Hangzhou Jingwen model company answers:HMa中國模型網(wǎng)


        I. building sand table model to prevent the building from being rebuilt:HMa中國模型網(wǎng)

        建筑沙盤(pán)模型就是在沒(méi)有制造工程之前,大家事先規劃在咱們面前的,這樣的話(huà),在經(jīng)過(guò)準確的測量,就會(huì )將缺乏的當地在加以修正,不會(huì )浪費時(shí)間和金錢(qián)的。就是正式的制造的縮小版,所以看起來(lái)也是比較的有用,關(guān)于建筑有很大的幫助。HMa中國模型網(wǎng)

        The construction sand table model is planned in front of us in advance before there is no manufacturing project. In this way, after accurate measurement, we will correct the lack of places without wasting time and money. It's a small version of formal manufacturing, so it seems to be more useful. It's very helpful for architecture.HMa中國模型網(wǎng)


        2. The sand table model can better reflect the planning effect:HMa中國模型網(wǎng)


        Building sand table model is a good way to show the characteristics of planning to the audience, and it is an important means of communication between planners and owners.HMa中國模型網(wǎng)


        3. The sand table model can improve the relevant planning ideas:HMa中國模型網(wǎng)

        建筑沙盤(pán)模型是進(jìn)一步完善和優(yōu)化規劃的進(jìn)程,規劃人員親自動(dòng)手制造模型,是從二維平面到三維立體形象的體驗。經(jīng)過(guò)親身感受與參與制造,可以進(jìn)一步激發(fā)規劃師的創(chuàng )意,發(fā)現規劃中存在的問(wèn)題,并進(jìn)行改進(jìn)與優(yōu)化,使規劃方案達到理想的狀況。HMa中國模型網(wǎng)

        Building sand table model is the process of further improvement and optimization of planning. The planners make the model by themselves, which is the experience from two-dimensional plane to three-dimensional image. Through personal experience and participation in manufacturing, it can further stimulate the creativity of planners, find problems in planning, and improve and optimize the planning scheme to achieve the ideal situation.HMa中國模型網(wǎng)


        IV. the construction sand table model can guide the construction:HMa中國模型網(wǎng)

        施工單位在平面圖、立面圖上不易看懂或許簡(jiǎn)單產(chǎn)生誤會(huì ),由此會(huì )造成施工的難度,終究影響規劃效果的實(shí)現。采用實(shí)體模型的方法來(lái)展現規劃的特色,可以方便施工單位按照規劃目的進(jìn)行施工。直觀(guān)、形象的模型關(guān)于施工有良好的指導效果。HMa中國模型網(wǎng)

        The construction unit is not easy to understand or misunderstand the plan and elevation, which will make the construction difficult and ultimately affect the realization of the planning effect. Using the method of entity model to show the characteristics of planning can facilitate the construction company to carry out construction according to the planning purpose. The intuitionistic and vivid model has good guidance effect on construction.HMa中國模型網(wǎng)


        The above is the whole content of the effect of building sand table model. After reading this article, I believe you should be very clear about its effect. Jingwen, Hangzhou building sand table model company, has more than ten years of rich experience in building sand table model manufacturing, and has cooperated with a wide range of customers. If you need to make building sand table model, please contact us.HMa中國模型網(wǎng)

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